Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Over the last few decades the movement of people from one region to the other or one country to other has become very common.  We are born and brought up in one society but we end up living in a different society in a different country.  We are now faced with a multicultural city where we live with people from different cultural backgrounds.  In a multicultural society we experience a variety of emotional expressiveness.  Emotions are universal phenomena but the way they are expressed and experienced leads to varied reactions.  In view of this the Emotional Intelligence (EI also known as EQ) has become as important and as critical as the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). 

EI/EQ helps us to adapt and handle different situations with ease.  EI is the ability that we develop to be aware of the feelings and emotions of others as compared to our own feeling and emotions, in order to make informed decisions by using this awareness.  A higher level of IQ would mean the person is "intelligent and smart" and a higher level of EI would mean that the person is "Heart Smart".  If an academically brilliant person is socially inept and unsuccessful then it is because of the absence of Emotional Intelligence.

Our day to day life spins around people management and hence EI has gained far greater significance and importance in the recent times.  Today in order to succeed in the multicultural society EI matters more than IQ.  EI helps you to assess your own emotions and feelings and further drives the handling of emotions and feelings of others.  EI helps you to influence the people around you.  The issues that are regularly faced by people primarily revolve around Team Work, Conflict Management and Adaptability.  These regular issues can be well handled with Emotional Intelligence.

IQ can be improved but the basic level of intelligence is genetic whereas EI/EQ can be learnt and developed through regular training programmes.  In our day to day life based on the situations faced and the reactions encountered we can improve our Emotional Intelligence.  EI helps both in personal and professional life as today is the most important quality for Success.

May 1st is celebrated as "International Workers Day" and on this wonderful day I have realised that EI/EQ is the key to success.

Dubai, U.A.E
1st May 2012

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. I liked it and Learnt the Importance of it. Yes this is of great importance to survive at the ever demanding Workplace.
