Sunday, November 4, 2012


"Lumbago" is the medical term for "Low Back Pain".  After Headache the second most common ailment that is found across the globe is "Low Back Pain" (LBP).  More than 80% of the people get affected by LBP at some stage or the other in their lives.  This is mostly related to our work and can be acute or subacute or chronic.  Even if you are not working but just sitting in front of the Television set you could get LBP.

I was driving around 100 kms a day and started having LBP.  I realised it was due to the bucket seat in my car and changed the Car.  I got relieved from the pain immediately when I changed the car.

The cause of LBP is strain or sprain in the muscles and soft tissues of the back.  Working continuously on the desk can cause LBP.  Lifting heavy things can also cause LBP.  The sitting posture is important to avoid low back pain especially for people who are doing desk work throughout the day.
In the olden days we used to do prostration in the temples and whenever we meet elderly people to take their blessings.  The prostration is by itself a very good exercise for the lower back.

I found a nice video on the Cat Cow position for exercising the lower back and get relief from LBP.  Watch this video:

Some people live with Lower Back Pain as if it is part of the day to day life.  There is a permanent cure for LBP and there is no need to endure the pain life long.  Keep fit and stay happy.

Dubai, U.A.E.
4th November 2012

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