Wednesday, March 29, 2017


I heard the motivational talk by my friend Shridhar Sampath recently when he mentioned about the Three Laws of Performance. Great results are achieved in this world by individuals and group of individuals operating as a team. When such great results are achieved we wonder how that was possible. It is just that the individual or group has performed well. How to then get the best performance at all times?

The Three Laws of Performance that was propounded by Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan through their book “The Three Laws of Performance — Rewriting the Future of Your Organisation and your Life”.

The three laws of performance are explained in the below video by Steve Zaffron:

I had the dream of becoming a Chartered Accountant when I was only 17 years old and a stranger that I met asked me to repeated say “I want to become and Chartered Accountant and I will become a Chartered Accountant”. He made me stand up and repeat this sentence several times by raising my hand and punching the fist in the air. When I read the three laws of performance this incident flashed across very strongly in my mind.

How true it is that “How people perform correlates to how situations occur to them” (1st Law). My dear sister got married to a Chartered Accountant, Mr.S.K.Raman, in 1980 and thus the desire and dream in me to become a Chartered Accountant grew firm. My brother-in-law encouraged me to pursue my dream. My teacher at School Mr.P.Anand who taught Commerce in my 11th Standard had planted the seed in my mind to become a Chartered Accountant. He took me aside at School after his class and told me “You have all the qualities to become a Chartered Accountant”. How a situation occurs arises in language (2nd Law). Finally the Stranger that I met in a Railway Station made me stand up and say “I want to become a Chartered Accountant and I will become a Chartered Accountant. Future based language transforms how situation occur to people (3rd Law). From intentionality default futures can shift to designed future.

I feel every business owner, business manager and leader can follow the three laws of performance and encourage other to give their best performance.

Great innovative ideas come from best performances and the world will progress and give prosperity to people only with best performances.
Dubai, U.A.E.
Written on 23rd June 2016 and published in Medium.Com

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Do you hear your inner voice?  How often do you listen to your inner voice?  Is it wise to listen to others?  Is there a Wise Voice in us or around us anywhere?

Some of the questions that cropped up in the morning in my mind while I was listening to my own voice as usual when I drove the car.

WISE is an abbreviation which means Willingness to Imbibe and Share Experiences according to me.  To be Wise you need to be first MAD.  MAD according to me is Making A Difference.  Unless you get MAD you will not become WISE.

Voice is not heard when there is noise and hence you need to first keep calm in order to hear your own wise voice.  This is something I realised over time and ofcourse it took several years to realise this great insight that Voice is not Noise.  In fact I feel no noise is Wise.

In order to make my point I have also in my young days raised my voice.  I thought the higher your pitch and tone the better chances you have in winning the argument or feeling stronger.  Over the years I have realised that this is a myth.

On a rainy day when everyone prefers to stay indoors, I ventured out in the morning.  The first challenge was to get into the car as my car was in a small pool of water and I had to wade through the water by spoiling my shoes and trousers.  I did not hesitate even for a moment to go through that agony because it was short lived.

I am thankfully not in the Circle of Concern and happy to be in the Circle of Control.  I do not waste time sitting in front of the Television Set or chatting on whatsapp groups but spend my time usefully in the development of "Wise Voice".

After listening to my friend Shridhar Sampath for couple of hours on Leadership Skills I have chosen to be back at my desk to read and write as I like to stay within the 'circle of control'.

By following others and not listening to the inner voice "Wise Voice" we only end up as monkeys thrown in the cage for experiment.  Without knowing the reasons they do not eat the Bananas despite being their favourite and healthy food.  Watch the below short video on this experiment if you have not heard about this before:

On a rainy day like today in Dubai, your inner voice is bringing out the child in you and asking you to go out and play.  Bring the child in your out and enjoy life.  Listen to your inner voice and be wise.  There is so much fun being yourself and exploring your own hidden talents than watching others at play on Television or Movie Screens.

Dubai, U.A.E.
25th March 2017

Friday, March 3, 2017


Everyone of us want to and aspire to achieve something big in life.  Many of us keep thinking about that big achievement but a few take the necessary steps and actions.

Nischal Narayanam is the youngest Chartered Accountant of India and is just 19 years old.  He has already completed his articleship in Deloitte and has qualified the Final Exams of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.  However, since he is not yet 21 he has to wait for couple of years to be enrolled as an Associate Member of the Institute.

It is amazing how a 19 year old is able to clear the CA Final with ease.  He is a young achiever who has written books on Mathematics at the age of 10.  See the below video:

Shravan and Sanjay are the youngest to become CEOs in India.  They founded "Go Dimensions" in 2012 as a 10 year and 12 year old boys.  Look at the youngest CEOs of India who study for 2 hours, play for 1 hour and do something creative.

These two brothers have developed an Application and became youngest CEOs in the technology world.  See the way they explain the various Apps that they have developed and it is really amazing how these two brothers have shaped themselves into Business Owners by enjoying what they do and doing what they enjoy.

A 9 year old boy from Spain has become the youngest wild life photographer and at 16 there is a youngster who can speak 23 languages and he has learnt all the 23 languages by himself.

These young achievers has been identified at the right age, they have been encouraged, mentored and guided in the right way by their teachers, parents and well wishers.

These youngsters are trend setters and are the real heros and leaders of tomorrow.
I am lost for words to describe these young achievers.  These are amazing achievements and at the same time very inspiring and thought provoking.  Every one is capable of doing amazing things to produce extraordinary results.  Every one is capable of being an achiever and everyone needs to have a dream.  It is very few who end up as being real achievers in life as the key to success is "taking action".  We get more than 50,000 thoughts per day and sometimes they say upto 70,000 thoughts in a day.  Many of them are repetitive and most of them are negative thoughts.  If we can filter and nurture those positive thoughts and translate them into action then every one of us can be an achiever.

These young achievers are self made entrepreneurs who are capable of giving a few lessons on entrepreneurship to the rest of the world.

Taking Action at the right time and not belated.  Procrastination is a disease and the only way to become an achiever is to feel the sense of urgency in everything that we do.  In the present day context when each day is passing so fast it is extremely important to take action with a sense of urgency on every aspect of life.  This is what I strongly feel and this is what I do in my day to day life.  What about you?

Dubai, U.A.E.
3rd March 2017