Saturday, March 25, 2017


Do you hear your inner voice?  How often do you listen to your inner voice?  Is it wise to listen to others?  Is there a Wise Voice in us or around us anywhere?

Some of the questions that cropped up in the morning in my mind while I was listening to my own voice as usual when I drove the car.

WISE is an abbreviation which means Willingness to Imbibe and Share Experiences according to me.  To be Wise you need to be first MAD.  MAD according to me is Making A Difference.  Unless you get MAD you will not become WISE.

Voice is not heard when there is noise and hence you need to first keep calm in order to hear your own wise voice.  This is something I realised over time and ofcourse it took several years to realise this great insight that Voice is not Noise.  In fact I feel no noise is Wise.

In order to make my point I have also in my young days raised my voice.  I thought the higher your pitch and tone the better chances you have in winning the argument or feeling stronger.  Over the years I have realised that this is a myth.

On a rainy day when everyone prefers to stay indoors, I ventured out in the morning.  The first challenge was to get into the car as my car was in a small pool of water and I had to wade through the water by spoiling my shoes and trousers.  I did not hesitate even for a moment to go through that agony because it was short lived.

I am thankfully not in the Circle of Concern and happy to be in the Circle of Control.  I do not waste time sitting in front of the Television Set or chatting on whatsapp groups but spend my time usefully in the development of "Wise Voice".

After listening to my friend Shridhar Sampath for couple of hours on Leadership Skills I have chosen to be back at my desk to read and write as I like to stay within the 'circle of control'.

By following others and not listening to the inner voice "Wise Voice" we only end up as monkeys thrown in the cage for experiment.  Without knowing the reasons they do not eat the Bananas despite being their favourite and healthy food.  Watch the below short video on this experiment if you have not heard about this before:

On a rainy day like today in Dubai, your inner voice is bringing out the child in you and asking you to go out and play.  Bring the child in your out and enjoy life.  Listen to your inner voice and be wise.  There is so much fun being yourself and exploring your own hidden talents than watching others at play on Television or Movie Screens.

Dubai, U.A.E.
25th March 2017

1 comment:

  1. Very good reminder TP to dwell into our inner universe, listen and act wisely.
    Somewhere in Wife's Voice our Wise Voice got stifled ;)
    - Mohan D.
