Sunday, May 21, 2017


I was really fortunate and blessed to attend the four day lecture by Sunandaji on the Three fold division of faith which was based on the Chapter XVII of Bhagavat Gita.  She explained the verses of Chapter XVII very clearly with very good examples.  I am summarising the four day lecture for the benefit of those who could not attend the lectures.  The lecture was delivered on 12th to 15th April 2017 in Dubai.  I feel this is extremely important for every human being irrespective of the religious beliefs and faith.

The three "Gunas" or mental temperament or qualities that are found in every human being are Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.  Sattva is the highest quality where total calm and composure is maintained.  Rajas is a quality where decisions are made with desires in mind.  Tamas is the lowest quality where there is reckless behaviour.

Out of all the living beings only humans have the ability to analyse the cause and effect and choose actions.  The law of causation (cause and effect) is applied in every instance by humans and the individual nature and behaviour will determine whether we are Sattvik, Rajasik or Tamasik.  The greatest quality in human beings is the consistency and whether the person is having Sattvik or Rajasik or Tamasik qualities one will notice consistency.  It is believed that the Sattvik worship God; Rajasik worships Demi-Gods (Yaksas) whilst the Tamasik worship Demons (Rakshashaas).  The underlying principle is Shraddha which is consistency of purpose.

Every human is made up of the three Gunas/Qualities.  It is important to develop "Satvik" consistency.  Every aspect of life is subject to change.  Thoughts, looks, feelings all change.  Some people believe that food intake is important and if we eat Satvik food consistently then we can develop Satvik consistency in our behaviour.  Unfortunately food cannot affect the thoughts and food cannot control the subtle feelings and thinking.  Seed is important for producing the fruit but only if the soil is conducive.  Food will help in Satvik behaviour only if the person is willing to consistently follow the "Satvik" qualities.

Sativika will sacrifice without desiring the fruits or results.  Practice austerity as it is an intelligent use of energy.   We lose energy due to worries and anxieties.  It is important to conserve the energy and direct it properly.  We need to move out of self-centered approach and pursue goals in life in an unselfish manner.

Follow austerity in speech - speech without excitement, which is truthful, pleasant and beneficial and also the practice of sacred study.  Satvik quality will help to think clearly so that we do not act impulsively.  Don't be impulsively good, you need to be intellectually good.  Always act in the interests of others.  Be factual, truthful and use intellect with pleasant manner and let go ego.

Serenity of mind, gentleness, silence, self-restraint and very pure disposition are called austerity of mind.  Perfect mind will not oscillate or get disturbed.  The threefold austerity practiced by devout men with utmost Sraddha and desiring no fruit is declared Satvik.

Rajasik austerity is misplaced effort and needs to be corrected.  Austerity practiced with the object of gaining reverence, honour and worship is unstable and transitory.  Austerity practiced with foolish notion, torturing oneself or aiming to destroy another is declared Tamasika.

Gift given as obligatory to a recipient who does no service and in place and in time is Sattvika Gift.  A sattvika gift is a well thought out gift to the right person at the right time without any impulsive thinking.

We are all normal human beings and hence will keep getting thoughts and feelings which could lead to Tamasik behaviour and it is important to leave it.  Whenever we find Rajasik behaviour it is important to immediately correct it.  As long as we are able to identify and detect the Rajas and Tamas in our behaviour Sattva will take care of itself.

If you leave Tamas and correct the Rajas you would stay a Satvik.  Let our intake be of a high quality - Satvik.  The attitude will help to process the intake - sacrifice and austerity.  You gain a lot as you are productive and sensible in choosing the right inputs and processed it with proper attitude.

Your chase will end only when you find the truth.  You will not feel completeness in life unless you find the truth.  Steadfastness in sacrifice, austerity and gift is called Sat/Truth.  Without aiming at the fruit, various acts of sacrifice, austerity and gift are performed by seekers of liberation.  These are Sattvik.

Dubai, U.A.E.
21st May 2017