Monday, December 3, 2012


We live in digital world where everything is done through digital devices.  However the use of Pencils and Pens cannot be replaced by digital devices.  My old friend Renganathan runs a company, Pointec in Bangalore which makes writing instruments.  I met him in Dubai a year ago and he told me that his company produces around 2.5 Million writing instruments a day.  When I heard this from him I could not comprehend what he said.  I asked him is it 2.5 million per day or per month.  He said "illa da it is daily production".

His company is doing a great service by producing these writing instruments by employing physically challenged people.  It is indeed a great gesture to employ such people and give them a comfortable life.  You would learn more about this initiative in the video below:

When I saw this video my eyes were filled with tears.  "Equal opportunity to all" coupled with "Social Responsibility" is demonstrated live on a daily basis by Pointec.  A sharp pencil is required to get a good handwriting and a sharp concerned mind is required to give good living and equal opportunities for physically challenged individuals in the society.

Renga, this is a great service to the society and you should continue this for ever in the future.   You have scripted the future direction of your company very well and written in nicely with a "Pointec Pencil".  I wish you all the very best and keep up the good work.  God bless you and I wish your company all the very best and a prosperous future.

Dubai, U.A.E.
3rd December 2012


  1. Very good effort by Pointec.
    Thank you for bringing this out. Ramesh Rangan

  2. Dear TP,

    Thanks a lot for this update.
    It is really such a noble cause.

    Tears came up watching the video. Heartfelt appreciation to your friend.


  3. Thanks TP - one of the nice articles I have ever read recently. Kindly convey my deep appreciation to Mr Ranganathan and his team. God Bless.

    I am sharing this article with my friends and well wishers.


    Suresh G

  4. Taking social responsibility to the next level. hope other companies wake up too and give back to the society.. at least the huge profit making ones..
    Good point you made uncle.. for the mind to be sharp like a pencil to live life properly..
