Sunday, June 30, 2013


Nik Wallenda is the "King of the High Wire".  He created yet another record last week by walking across the Grand Canyon.  He walked a distance of 1400 feet in 22 minutes and 54 seconds without any safety net.  To describe this as a daredevil act is an under statement.  We all talk of tight rope walking in life and we keep saying the key is to stay focussed on what we are doing.  This walk shows exactly what that focus would mean and what it takes to really do the tight rope walking.

He walked at 1500 feet above the Little Colorado River and when he reached the other end he kissed the ground.  Throughout his walk he was praying to God and kept his focus and concentration.  The wind was blowing at 30 mph and he had to kneel down twice during the walk to maintain his balance on the rope.  There was tension all around and he had only his singular objective in mind to walk on the rope with perfect balance to reach the other end.

The Walk Across the Grand Canyon comes after one year of his feat of walking across the Niagara Falls.  This is the seventh Guiness World Record for the seventh generation high-wire artist.  His family has done this for seven generations as Circus Artists and Nik realised his teen age dream of Walking Across the Grand Canyon and did it in style.  He literally ran the last few steps in his excitement to complete the walk.  As he came down from the Wire he bent down to kiss the ground.

Nik Wallenda says he has a dream of walking across the two famous New York sky scrappers, viz., Empire State Building and Chrysler Building.

Nik you are not a normal human being and I feel you are exceptionally super focused human being.  I cannot walk on a 2 inch steel cable for 1400 feet even if it is placed on the ground.  God Bless you and keep doing many more such things to inspire the rest of the human race in this world.

Dubai, U.A.E.
30th June 2013

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