Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why I stopped watching TV Serials

Yesterday was the first day that i consciously avoided watching TV Serials.  I took the decision last week when i was watching "Thendral".  The amount of sufferings that "Tulasi" is made to undergo is really too much to digest.  Added to that the mother-in-law character and the way she speaks.  I have never heard such sharp dialogues in my entire life and i do not know how the director chose to show such dialogues in a TV serial.

The story line in almost all the TV serials is almost similar.  There are two families who are at logger heads.  There is a constant hatred for one family and its members.  Within that there are so many twists, angles, problems, police cases, extra-marital affairs, family separations, family squabbles, etc.  Whether it is "Thendral" or "Thangam" or "Chellame" or "Idayam" the underlying story is that of sorrow, revenge and ill-feeling.  The extent of sorrow and problems they show is sometimes unsurmountable.  People who have heart problems should never watch any of these TV serials as they will end up in the hospital, after watching 3 episodes in a row.

I am feeling totally relieved because i dont have to worry about "Tulasi" or "Chellamma" or "Ganga" anymore.  I have stopped watching the TV serials from yesterday and i think i have finally made a wise decision in life.


  1. Absolutely. Take it from me that you have taken a very wise decision.

    I think you will have the time better spent blogging and reading.

  2. Many Congrats to you TP. Just tip for you watch TV, keep changing channels frequently so that you don't get attached single channel's serials/programme.

